发起人: 华东师范大学
活动地点:上海上海市华东师范大学Room 1504, Pudong Campus, 1555 Century Avenue, NYU Shanghai
时间:2016年11月23日 16:00 ~ 2016年11月23日 17:00
A Taxonomy of Neurons for Parallel Processing of Reward and Aversiveness
Christopher FiorilloKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
开始时间:2016-11-23 16:00:00
结束时间:2016-11-23 17:00:00
Room 1504, Pudong Campus, 1555 Century Avenue, NYU Shanghai
NYU-ECNU Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science at NYU Shanghai
Decisions are based on predictions of the value of stimuli and actions. Value has commonly been viewed as a single dimension that varies from bad to good (punishment to reward), in analogy to light intensity varying from dark to light. I will present evidence that dopamine neurons in primate midbrain signal evidence for reward, but they are entirely insensitive to aversiveness (punishment). These experiments suggest that ‘reward’ and ‘aversiveness’ are two separate dimensions of value, each represented by two types of reinforcement corresponding to evidence ‘for’ and ‘against.’ I will propose that these four reinforcement signals are summed via G-protein-coupled receptors in one of eight ways, depending on receptor expression, to drive Hebbian learning and shape a neuron’s receptive fields to be one of eight value types. Reward and aversive information is mixed in early sensory neurons, then segregated into parallel paths, then divided into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ along each dimension. At the late motor stage, neurons receive evidence for reward or against aversiveness to mediate either approach or avoidance.
2016年11月23日 16:00 - 开始
2016年11月23日 17:00 - 结束
上海上海市华东师范大学Room 1504, Pudong Campus, 1555 Century Avenue, NYU Shanghai