多重含义 multiple meanings
全知叙事者omniscient narrators
文学价值 literary value
抽象与文学批评abstraction and literary criticism
反差语言 dissociated language
反乌托邦小说dystopian novels
后现代主义 postmodernism
五步抑扬格iambic pentameter
混合叙事hybrid narration
历史特殊性historical specificity
模糊与阐释ambiguity and interpretation
视觉小说 visual novel
极简主义 minimalism
跨文化写作 transcultural writing
跨学科研究 interdisciplinary research
以形写神 capture the spirit beyond form
文以载道 literature is the vehicle of ideas
南北书派 the northern and southern schools of calligraphy
境生象外 Aesthetic Conception Transcends Concrete Objects Described
化境 Sublimity in Art
田园诗 Idyllic Poetry
颂赞 Extolment and Commendation
气韵 Artistic Appeal