1. 民族要复兴,乡村必振兴。
There will be no national rejuvenation without a thriving countryside.
2. 乡村振兴是实现中华民族伟大复兴的一项重大任务。
Rural revitalization is a major task for bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
3. 全面实施乡村振兴战略的深度、广度、难度都不亚于脱贫攻坚。
Comprehensively implementing the rural revitalization strategy will be no less of a task than the fight against poverty in terms of depth, breadth, and difficulty.
4. 推动普惠金融小微金融改革创新试点,显著地提升了金融服务的覆盖面和可获得性。
We promoted reform and innovative trials for inclusive finance and micro-finance, and significantly improved the coverage and accessibility of financial services.
5. 该县充分利用金融科技有效地破解了小微企业融资难和融资贵的问题。
The county solved difficulties faced by small and micro-businesses in accessing affordable financing by making good use of financial technology.
6. 该县探索出了以数字服务平台为核心的普惠金融发展模式。
The county explored a new development model of inclusive finance with digital service platforms as the core.
7. 坚持农业农村优先发展,走中国特色社会主义乡村振兴道路,持续缩小城乡区域发展差距,让低收入人口和欠发达地区共享发展成果,在现代化进程中不掉队、赶上来。
We will remain committed to putting the development of agriculture and rural areas first, follow a Chinese socialist path to rural revitalization, and continue to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas and between regions, so that low-income people and less developed areas can share in the fruits of development and catch up in the process of modernization rather than falling behind.
8. 大批教育、科技、医疗卫生、文化等领域的专业人才支援贫困地区建设,大批企业家到贫困地区投资兴业,很多高校毕业生放弃城市的优厚待遇回到农村建设家乡。
A large number of professionals and entrepreneurs in fields such as education, science and technology, healthcare and culture have gone to poverty-stricken regions to aid construction and make investments. Many college graduates have resisted the temptation of much better pay and benefits in cities to go back and help their hometowns in rural areas.
9. 我们坚持因地制宜、分类推进。
We have adopted a categorized approach which takes local conditions fully into consideration.
10. 农业农村发展水平明显提高。
Agricultural and rural development has improved noticeably.