庆祝「国庆 75 周年」点亮纪念头像
报名:2015年02月09日 00时00分 ——2015年05月01日 23时59分
每个团队都需要提交一份集体报名费,以参加2015年iGEM大赛定期登记始于2月9日,结束3月31日,逾期报名开始4月1日,结束5月1日。 团队报名费:$ 4000个美元
比赛:2015年06月01日 00时00分 ——2015年09月18日 23时59分
Team Composition: iGEM teams consist primarily of undergraduate students at an accredited college or university. Teams may also be composed of high school students or community lab members. The team must be supervised by at least two instructors one of whom must be a faculty member. Both instructors must serve as primary contacts and are responsible for the official registration of the team, the team roster, certifying the safety form, and payment of team fees. ? Team section: Undergraduate Teams: all student team members must be 23 or younger on March 31, 2015. Graduate students, postdocs, and others are welcome as team advisors or instructors on undergraduate teams. Overgraduate Teams: any team that has one or more team member older than 23 years of age on March 31, 2015. We also strongly recommend the following: Teams should have between 8 and 15 student members. ? Teams larger than 15 should consider splitting into two teams and taking advantage of the multiple team discount. This also gives a larger team adequate wiki space and presentation time to cover more work generated by more team members. -更多要求请查看官网(http://2015.igem.org/Requirements)
Congratulations to all participants in the 2015 International Genetically Engine…
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- iGEM, the largest …
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REGISTER HERE!Team registration feeEach team will need to submit a team registra…
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庆祝「国庆 75 周年」点亮纪念头像